Welcome to Project Puno!
A tomorrow wherein sustainability is the norm.

Project Puno is a youth-led environmental conservation organization that aims to share knowledge about sustainability, empowering through nature based solutions. The project was conceived in June 2018, by students from the International School Manila during their ADB internship.
Mission A sustainability-based initiative aimed to find a way to allow rapidly developing modern society and technology and the ecological stability of nature to coexist. We seek to share knowledge and empower individuals to work in harmony with nature.
Vision A tomorrow wherein sustainability is the norm. Together, we can improve the current situation in the Philippines through education and awareness.
Project Kaalaman is Project Puno’s back to school initiative that supports and supplements the new normal of the upcoming academic year. In addition to the continuation of our primary e-Book initiative, we are partnering up with Buyasyas Elementary School in Cagayan Valley to provide sixty-five students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 and five faculty members with brand new tablets to aid their education. Through this initiative, we hope to close the education inequality gap through both digital and material assistance.
Our goal is to raise a total of 250,000 pesos from August 23, 2020 to September 20, 2020 to subsequently fund the purchasing of the tablets that will be donated to the students of Buyasyas Elementary School. The S1 DTV Cherry Mobile tablets that will be donated to the students will be pre-installed with Project Puno’s e-Books: ‘Muning in the Mountains’ and ‘Perla’s Pasig River Adventures’. The e-Book may be used as an aid to teach younger students about sustainability, while it will also be used as a teaching aid for older students in their English classes.
Interested in joining the Project PUNO family? Here is your chance to join us! Apply through tinyurl.com/ProjectPUNOMemberApp2021
Applications close on March 31, 2021 at 11:59pm
Want to donate to Project PUNO? We are accepting donations through Paypal, Venmo, or GCash. Every donation counts, no matter the amount.
GCash: Ara Sunga (09278548700)
Paypal: paypal.me/ProjectPuno
Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Annelisse Marie Sunga
Bank: MetroBank
Account Number: 2547254010487
Mobile Number: 09995157679
*For those who have donated, kindly send us your proof of payment/transfer to [email protected]